Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Life Training Institute and Scott Klusendorf?

Hi everyone! I thought I would bring you something useful for your pro-life journey.
This here is a link to a fabulous resource I have recently discovered, here you can find out simple steps to help you defend your pro-life position. In addition to what you'll learn on the LTI website, I encourage you to read about Scott Klusendorf under their About Us drop down menu. He is a very valuable asset to the pro-life community with all the work he has done in the community and how many people he has reached.

So, please check out the LTI site and check back here for more posts later!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Quickie #4!

Hi! I haven't forgot you guys and I know you've all been waiting for more content, so don't worry it is coming! I'm planning on giving more of my own input on a few topics, and then giving you guys even more facts and information on a few topics surrounding abortion. Keep in touch, ok?

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Roe v.s Wade Summary

The Case

  Known all around the world, the case that would forever change the hearts, minds, laws, and lives of an entire country, the court case of Roe vs Wade made illegal abortions legal in January of 1973. Abortions had been illegal since the 1800s due to insufficient medical knowledge and the procedure often was just as dangerous if not more than delivering the child. Change came just under two hundred years later in the form of a woman with an unplanned pregnancy and a legal team with an agenda to legalize abortion. 
  Norma McCorvey, more commonly known by her alias as Jane Roe, was 21 and pregnant with a third child when she decided to have an illegal abortion. Unfortunately for her at the time the Texas clinic she tried to obtain her abortion from was shut down. Sarah Weddington and Linda Coffee two female lawyers who had been waiting for a chance to change the laws on abortion had finally found their chance when they became in touch with McCorvey. After McCorvey decided to remain anonymous the case began. McCorvey later went on to say: “Plain and simple, I was used. I was a nobody to them. They only needed a pregnant woman to use for their case, and that is it. They cared, not about me, but only about legalizing abortion. Even after the case, I was never respected — probably because I was not an ivy-league educated, liberal feminist like they were.” The length of the case lasted from 1970 to 1973 when the Supreme Court ruled that women had the right to abortion, but guidelines were put in place for after the second trimester and gave states abilities to not allow abortion in the third trimester.

Where is Roe now?

After becoming catholic in 1995, Norma McCorvey, now at age 65 is a strong advocate to reverse the outcome of the Roe vs Wade case with her ministry 'Roe No More'. In a 1994 interview she commented her true feelings for the woman who supposedly had fought for her rights, “Sarah sat right across the table from me at Columbo’s pizza parlor, and I didn’t know [then] that she had had an abortion herself,” she said. “When I told her then how desperately I needed one, she could have told me where to go for it. But she wouldn't because she needed me to be pregnant for her case. I set Sarah Weddington up on a pedestal like a rose petal. But when it came to my turn, well, Sarah saw these cuts on my wrists, my swollen eyes from crying, the miserable person sitting across from her, and she knew she had a patsy. She knew I wouldn't go outside of the realm of her and Linda. I was too scared. It was one of the most hideous times of my life.” To support her new stance she also has also made it publicly known that she had never even had an abortion. McCorvey has also stated multiple times that the case was one of the biggest mistakes of her life.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Physical Risks Of Abortion

Before you continue please read my "First things first, what is abortion?" post where I explain in detail about each type of abortion to provide a better understanding of the following.
Now, just like every medical procedure there are risks, mental and physical; and todays topic is of physical risks associated with each type of abortion.

Most Common Physical Risks Associated With Abortion

Medical Abortion

Medical abortion or the abortion pill, often causes severe pain and sometimes opiates are prescribed to relieve pain. Another very common physical side affect is uterine bleeding, women often must wear a pad or liner for sometimes up to six weeks due to the amount of blood flow. Allergic reactions may also occur.

Suction Aspiration Abortion

Though a local anesthetic is used some woman do experience pain during the procedure, the pain has been compared to the same pain intensity as a bone fracture. Bleeding is also a result due to the use of the curette that scrapes the inside of the uterus for any left over body parts of the fetus. Infertility is common in cases where the curette is overused or used to roughly thus scarring the uterus. 

Salt Poisoning (Saline Abortion)

After the injection a woman may develop a condition known as consumption coagulopathy, where she may experience blood clotting all over her body. In the event that the solution enters the blood stream, seizure, coma, or death could also be a possible result.

Prostaglandin Abortion

Due to the violent nature of this method cervical trauma is common. Infection is also possible along with hemorrhage caused by severe contraction of the muscles.

Now, you may have noticed the descriptions were very short but, that is because I tried to only state the risks without getting into the actual procedure which I have already posted here
Also, please remember my goal here is not to scare anyone. These types of things can be scary, but I am only trying to provide a resource.        

Thank you for reading!


Saturday, July 13, 2013

Wait! Don't Forget!

I have recently been getting more traffic on my blog, which don't get me wrong it's great but, I've noticed my post on my personal stance has been getting the most views. With that, I love that my personal views are being acknowledged but, please take a moment to read the interview with Oh-Snap-Pro-Lifers, my post on what abortion is and my greetings to you all! 

Greetings and hello! Find out what I'm about!


What is abortion?

Oh-Snap-Pro-Lifers Interview! Yay!

Hello, readers! I am very excited to bring you my blogs very first interview! In case you didn't know one of my goals here is to create a well rounded picture of what it means to be pro-life, along with the diversity and different voices among the pro-life community. So here you have it, an interview, with the lovely administrators of the blog Oh-Snap-Pro-Lifers. They are among the few of's pro-life blogs, and one of my personal favorites with their wittiness and diversity but, all stand for the same cause. That said, time to check out what these young pro-life ladies have to say about their own pro-life stance and just a few of the most controversial topics on the front today!

First, what made you decide to be pro-life?

"I’m not sure if I actually decided to be pro-life, it was more of a common sense thing to me. When I first learned about abortion I was instantly against it. I couldn't, and still can't fathom the idea that the unborn aren't deserving of the same rights that we have." -Jojo

"My decision to be pro-life was more of a process, I went slowly from pro choice/not bothered to extremely pro life in a few months. The point at which I was definitely pro-life was during one debate in a RS lesson at school. I was on the pro-life side and the more I talked about it, the more I was against it." -Gabbie

"I think as soon as I found out what abortion was, I was pro-life." -Tia

What is the hardest part of being an admin for a pro-life blog?

"I would say answering the same arguments from the opposing side. It gets tiring having to repeat yourself almost everyday." -Jojo

"The hardest part is that every one things you're a stupid arsehole. They think you're stupid and sheltered and based on one opinion, you become an arse. Even though you do a lot of charitable work in your personal life, but none of that matters because if you're pro-life you instantly become an anti-woman idiot. Despite everything good you do. That's the worst."-Gabbie 

"Other than the personal attacks, sob stories, and repetitive asks, the questions regarding legal situations and trials are always pretty tough to deal with. I know almost nothing about politics yet, people still expect me to be fluent in every single abortion law in every single country." -Tia

Do you participate in any other pro-life activities other than blogging?

"No, not at the moment." -Jojo

"Outside blogging, there isn't much for me to do that's pro-life. Except debate with friends and family about it. If there were a march for life, I'd go. If I knew of any actual clinics I may stand outside and talk to people, but I'd rather be older."- Gabbie 

"I used to do marches and protests, but not so much anymore. When I'm older, I plan on doing sidewalk counseling and working at a crisis pregnancy center." -Tia

What is your opinion on the connection between feminism and abortion?

"Feminism is the reason abortion is legal and acceptable and it’s a huge barrier preventing it from being abolished. However, those who say you can’t be pro-life and a feminist misunderstand (deliberately or legitimately) that our position is not about the rights of women, but the rights of the unborn. We want to protect the unborn’s most basic rights, not take rights away from women." -Jojo

"Apparently, being a pro-life feminist is oxymoronic, but I disagree. I think you can avidly fight for the rights of women as well as fight for fetal rights. You can be a feminist and not think abortion is a woman's right. That said, 99% of feminists disagree with that so I don't identify a feminist. I identify as egalitarian, even though a lot of egalitarians are pro-choice, I think it's a better way to tackle sexism."- Gabbie

"As a former feminist, I can tell you firsthand that feminists are very, very vehemently against the pro-life movement and are not above attacking someone for standing up for life. The 3rd wave feminist movement is obsessed with playing the victim card whenever they disagree with/are upset by something. If they would cut that nonsense out, I'm sure they would stop seeing pregnancy as some awful painstaking burden. You know, the first generation of feminists (the ones actually for equal rights) were very strongly opposed to abortion, because they didn't want the fetus to be treated as a meaningless object because that's how grown women were treated in the past." -Tia

Do you think there is any circumstance that it is acceptable to have an abortion?

"I have to say no. I know most would say it’s okay if the life of the mother were in danger, but I still don’t think it’s acceptable to deliberately take the life of the unborn. It should be the only situation in which abortion is an option, but I’d prefer everything be done to save both lives." -Jojo

"I know there are many reasons why women get abortions, and I understand that every situation is different, but I don't believe any warrant killing someone. In the case where the mother is told she will [die] without an abortion, I think it's safe to say she can have one. That said, many women are told this and choose life instead and they come out fine. So I think there have been many occasions where the fetus was aborted but it didn't have to be. - Gabbie

"No." Tia

Do you think men should have an opinion or say on abortion?

"Absolutely! You don’t need a uterus to know right from wrong!" -Jojo

"Pro-life or pro-choice, men should be allowed opinions on abortion." -Gabbie

"Of course. Saying that someone shouldn't have an opinion on something just because they won't experience it is silly. Are you a starving child from a 3rd world country? No? Then you shouldn't be allowed to think about their plight. Are you a soldier? No? Then stop talking about the war your opinion is invalid." -Tia

What do you think needs to happen before abortion becomes illegal?

"I think the attitude of “it's all about me and what I want" needs to change." -Jojo

" Before we can end abortion, we need to make it so less women want and need them. Where I live, the benefit system is a bit too giving, but perhaps in America it isn't giving enough. Free contraception is available where I live, but not really in America. We also need to reduce the negative stigma on pregnancy, single motherhood and young motherhood." -Gabbie 

"Lower student loans (most women who get abortions in the US are college aged and in countries where they have low or non-existent student loans, the abortion rate is super low) lower the cost of things like diapers, formula, baby clothes, ultrasounds, prenatal vitamins etc., teach people the value of life." -Tia

Do you believe the ultimate goal of making abortion illegal is achievable ?

"I actually don't. Maybe I’m just a pessimist? It'd be wonderful of course, but as I said previously, our attitudes have to change. I sadly don’t see that happening anytime soon." -Jojo

"I think it achievable to make abortion illegal except in the case of rape and health." -Gabbie

"Yes, anything is achievable." -Tia

How has being pro-life affected your life? 

"It’s made me want more children! Before, I strictly only wanted children of my own (biological), but now I’m interested in adoption!" -Jojo

"I think being pro-life is becoming a big part of my identity, on Tumblr and in real life. But I'm not sure it effects my personality." - Gabbie

"I think it has made me look at things differently. I pay more attention to the little things people say about topics related to abortion so i can sort of figure out whether or not they're pro-life and such. So i guess it has kinda made me more annoying, haha." -Tia

There you have it, three different women with varying opinions on various pro-life topics. Pro-life supporters are not only made up of people from one country, or people from one race, religion, gender, or social class but, of  people who value life and will do what they can to protect it.

Once again I would like to thank the ladies of Oh-Snap-Pro-Lifers for their time, effort and bravery to do what they do, both online and in their own personal lives and for participating in this interview. Feel free to check them out on Tumblr or just click this link to visit their blog. 

Thank you for reading, and I'll see you again soon!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Quickie #3!

Blog News:

Sorry for not posting any meaty content for a few days. My Oh-Snap-Pro-Lifers interview is still on but probably wont be up for a few more days. I did have a post in mind that I have been working on about physical implications of abortions but I am still researching. After all I don't want any false information, because Lord knows there is plenty of it out there. But keep in touch for those two posts coming up soon and some of my own personal views on pro-life topics as well.

Personal News:

I have just recently found an organisation that I think I may want to be a part of. Traditional feminism and pro-life combined! Who said you cant be both? But I'll be looking further into the group before I make any decisions or references to them. 

Thank you for your patience!  

Oh! Don't forget to vote on your stance in the sidebar to the left!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Quickie #2!

Just to let you all know, I have my blogs very first interview coming up! All with the lovely ladies of the blog Oh-Snap-Pro-Lifers! I'm very excited to show you some responses of other pro-life supporters, in hopes to show the diversity and unity of the pro-life stance. I hope it will be posted within the next day or so, so keep in touch.
Go Pro-Life!

What Is Pro Life

Back again for another stab at education! This next posts topic is "What is Pro Life?"
I will again be using dictionary sources, and other sources that will be listed below.

The definition of Pro-Life


opposed to legalized abortion; right-to-life.

— adj
(of an organization, pressure group, etc) supporting the right to life of the unborn; against abortion,experiments on embryos, etc

I know this is a short entry but, there isn't too much to say on what pro-life is in definition. I can add, also that many pro-lifers are against other forms of ending human(sometimes animal) lives. Also, that there are many different people that are pro-life. Gay, straight, men, women, young, old, and people of all different religions are pro-life. And to explain pro-life more in depth keep in touch with my blog, I plan on interviewing pro-lifers from all over influential or not. Okay? See ya!


My Personal Stance On Popular Questions/Phrases

Please, please, please, understand, this post will be purely my personal views on popular questions and topics of abortions and the pro-life stance. I myself am not representing the general consensus of all pro-life supporters. You may disagree with some things I have to say and I assure you it is to be expected. Please, do not go debating with any other pro-life supporters using just this information or only my opinions. I will be using questions or phrases I myself have personally encountered via social network or in my everyday social encounters.

How can you value an unborn fetus above the mother?

Answer: I do not. I consider them equal. Which is why I do not condone one to be murdered. I do not put the right to choose, above the right to life, and I do not think murder should be something we have a right to choose. 

What about rape/incest? 

Answer: I understand these instances may have a harmful emotional and physical impact on the woman. But how can you judge a child for the doings of the father? They did not choose to have a rapist for a father, so I do not condone the right to choose their murder. Adoption and other services such as counseling are available for the victims of these crimes.

What if the mothers life is in danger?

Answer: I myself do not believe just because ones life may possibly be in danger that it is okay to kill another.

Why do Pro-Lifers use guilt trips to prove their point?

Answer: It would not be a guilt trip, if there were nothing to feel guilty about.

What if the child grows up in poverty/abusive home?

Answer: Everyone is so quick to throw the child into an assumed life of abuse, and poverty and every other bad situation they can think of. If only people would give the child a chance. The same words could have been used against you, but you are alive. Bad things happen everyday, to everyone, at any point in life, but why kill someone because there is a chance at hardship? You do not know the future.

What if a child is going to be disabled? 

Answer: I do not think we as human beings, have any right to judge a persons quality of life. Especially from our point of strength. In that manner of thinking we may as well murder the people who are born with disabilities. I'm sure many of you will say otherwise but think, you are killing one for having an issue, why not the others?

Even if abortion is illegal abortions will still happen and be dangerous/harmful, are you okay with that?

Answer: Drugs are illegal, yes? Yes. But if they weren't there would most likely be millions of stoned, high addicts roaming around, with a crack shop on every corner. Nothing that is illegal is ever truly stopped completely, a fact I understand. Fortunately, when a law is in place, it drastically decreases the activity that it holds illegal. So in short, having abortion be illegal, though it will not fully stop women from having them, it will decrease the rate greatly. 
As for the abortions being dangerous after they are illegal, the answer to that is simple. Short history lesson; before abortions were illegal they did not use hangers, or any other household item to shove up themselves to kill the unborn. Those stories are few and far between, but have been taken, publicized, and used as a pro abortion weapon. Not to say that some of those types of cases did not happen, but the majority of "back alley" abortions were done by physicians. So in most cases of the illegal abortions, one can only logically assume there will still be "back alley" abortionists in clinics like before, just as there are illegal drug dealers. Have I made my point?

If you don't like abortion, then don't have one. 

Answer: That is almost the same as saying "don't like rape, don't rape", "don't like murder, don't murder". I know that sounds horrible, right? To get a point across you sometimes have to say things people do not like. To save lives we have to reveal the types of things that are being said to blanket the minds of our society. And, I do understand rape is a violation of a woman, but abortion is a violation of the fetus, rape is a heinous crime, as well as abortion. Now please understand we are talking about the murder of innocent life, not the flavor pizza crust you would like. Being nonchalant about such a thing is outrageous to me, this is not a personal preference this is a matter of life and death.

What if contraceptive isn't effective and now I'm pregnant /Consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy. 

Answer: My personal belief is you shouldn't have intercourse unless you are ready emotionally, physically, and financially prepared. However, I do also understand sex is fun and you want to "do it", but along the way you have to realize there are consequences for every action. Consent to sex is indeed consent to pregnancy. You can try to hold off pregnancy but, if it happens, you performed the act used for reproduction and you reproduced. Sex is made for reproduction; humans and animals alike are aware of this. Though we are not animals, we do have a reproductive purpose and sex is the way to it. Don't have sex unless you are completely aware, willing and ready for the possibility of pregnancy.

Do you think men should have a say in a woman's decision to abort?

Answer: I one hundred percent believe a man should have just as much say in the topic abortion as woman. To clarify I do not believe the choice to have an abortion should be available to anybody, but the issue on weather or not they should have a say, I believe they should. After all it took two people to create the unborn child in the first place.

Its my body so it is my choice/I don't want a parasite inside me. 

Answer: No it is not your body. You made the choice to partake in activity that could result in pregnancy. You do not have the right to make a life or death choice to the new body inside that you created. 
How can an innocent unborn child be called a parasite? It's not some foreign microscopic bug that has entered your uterus while you were swimming in a foreign body of water, or a leech that is sucking your blood. It is a dependent child, that needs food and protection. Just like every one else on the planet.

What if I just don't want it/Its an inconvenience

Answer: Just because a child may not be what you want, or inconvenience you does not give you the right to be a murderer. A toddler can inconvenience a mother, or maybe she just doesn't want the toddler anymore, is it right for her to kill it?  Take responsibility.


There are many, many more questions I have yet to state here but, I feel as though I've said enough to give you a picture on my own personal views on abortion and the reasons people try to give to condone having them. I have also covered my responses to some of the questions I have been asked as a pro-lifer. 

Once again, please do understand that this post is of my pro-life stance. Other pro-life supporters may have slightly different thoughts than me and I am not speaking for all pro-lifers. Thank you for taking an interest in me and my pro-life education journey, and I hope you come back soon. Thank you!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Quickie #1!

Hi guys! Along with my lengthy regular content submissions, I am going to start submitting "Quickie" posts. Just to give quick snippets or previews of what is to come or to show my appreciation to all of you that are viewing and following my blog. These will be completely random and I do plan to keep mostly my educational, and stance postings on the regular.

Thank you for stopping by and I'll see you again soon!

First things first, what is abortion?

Now, what is abortion?

A word that is either said with pride, regret or even anger. A touchy word for a lot of people but, a word to be shouted for others. But what is the definition of the word abortion? That is what I am here to tell you but, also of the procedure that is done to provide the abortion, due to the fact there is no abortion without the procedure, correct? We will start with the definition, taken from different sources on the internet and hand held dictionaries. 

The definition. 



Also called voluntary abortion. the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end pregnancy.
any of various surgical methods for terminating a pregnancy, especially during the first six months.
Also called spontaneous abortion. miscarriage.
an immature and nonviable fetus.

Websters dictionary states the definition of abortion as follows: 
1. the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus: as
A. spontaneous expulsion of a human fetus during the first 12 weeks of gestation
B. induced expulsion of a human fetus
C. expulsion of a fetus by a domestic animal often due to infection at any time before completion of pregnancy
2. monstrosity
3. arrest of development (as of a part or process) resulting in imperfection; also : a result of such arrest

Now What Is The Procedure of Abortion?

There are several procedures of abortions, most depend on the term the pregnancy is in at the time. All result in the removal of the fetus, and ultimately its death. 

Medical Abortion

Usually done in the early stages of pregnancy, medical abortion is the use of medications also known as the abortion pill, to terminate a pregnancy. The pills work by blocking the hormone progesterone, which in doing so causes the lining in the uterus to break down, thus rendering the uterus incapable of continuing the pregnancy. Often times more than one pill is required to stop the pregnancy. The next medication required in a medical abortion is misoprostol. This medication is placed inside the vagina and causes the womb to contract, causing cramping and bleeding such as in a miscarriage. A second doctor appointment is often recommended to make sure the pregnancy has ended. Serious birth defects can follow a insufficient medical abortion, so in the event of a failure a surgical abortion would then be recommended.

Suction Aspiration Abortion

Common in the first trimester, suction aspiration is a procedure that a plastic tube is inserted inside a woman's uterus. The tube is connected to a vacuum pump that is about 30 times more powerful than your household vacuum cleaner. In some cases once the tube is in place, if the fetus is small enough it can be dislodged from the uterus and sucked up all in one piece from the womb. In other cases, forceps are inserted along with the tube to dislodge the baby and tear it into pieces for easier suction. A curette, which is a hook shaped knife, is then used to scrape the uterus for any remaining parts of the fetus. 

Salt Poisoning (Saline Abortion) 

This method of abortion is used after the 16th week of pregnancy (there has been cases as late as 7 months), where a saline injection is introduced into a woman's womb to kill the unborn baby. The saline is taken in by the fetus and burns them from the inside out. The fetus is usually dead within an hour, and is then given birth to within 24 hours.  

Prostaglandin Chemical Abortion 

A series of chemicals are injected into the womb, and prostaglandin in inserted into the vagina to create intense and violent contractions with the goal of crushing the unborn child, and sometimes even decapitating it. This often involves pain for the woman, and is not a preferred method among women and abortionists alike. 

Other Practices of Abortion Procedures

Often times if a baby is born still alive even after attempts to abort it, the abortionist either throws the baby away, suffocates or cuts the child to finish the abortion. 

Now that I have provided you a factual description of abortion, please take a look at "Physical Risks of Abortion".

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Step By Step, Topic By Topic!

Hello, Lovelies! 
I decided to create a simple outline of my future content for you all! Are you excited yet? 

The topic as I am sure you have seen is going to most definitely still be on abortion education, and my own pro-life stance. So, here goes a little organization for you and me. 
Also, feel free to comment any future discussion ideas, and things you would like to learn with me in the future. So without further ado here is a rough outline on my future posts. 

  • What is abortion?
  • What is my stance on abortion?
  • What is pro-life?
  • Physical health and abortion
  • Mental health and abortion
  • Reader requests
  • Educational article
  • Informational Video
  • Other interesting videos, articles, and my person views and various thoughts

I hope you come back to see what I'll be posting next! I will be updating frequently and I'd love to have you here again. See you later! 

A Favorite Video Of Mine

Back with a second post! So soon? I know! I just couldn't wait to share one of my favorite 'food for thought' videos with you all! Its a bit of a longer one, but please don't be put off. Just grab a seat and take a peek!

Click here for the official 180movie site

I love this video because it compares two seemingly dissimilar events, and tragedies and brings them together for you in a way that really and truly makes you use your mind, and puts you into the situation rather than just watching on the sidelines. Can you believe it? Minds changed in seconds!

Greetings and Hello!

Welcome! I see you have found my little corner of the internet, and I'm happy you did.
I am proud to announce you are now reading my very first blog post! Please, be a Lovely and keep reading to see if you'd be interested in my content!

So, if you haven't guessed by my blog title my main topics here will be on abortion and the pro-life stance. I know this is a sensitive issue but, I'm diving in! There is so much to learn and I would really love it if you would journey along with me. I will go on facts, and my views on morality; you may have slightly different views, but that is the wonder of the world, to be different, but to also to gain knowledge.

So hello, world! Thank you for reading! Don't forget to check back in once in a while!