Saturday, July 13, 2013

Oh-Snap-Pro-Lifers Interview! Yay!

Hello, readers! I am very excited to bring you my blogs very first interview! In case you didn't know one of my goals here is to create a well rounded picture of what it means to be pro-life, along with the diversity and different voices among the pro-life community. So here you have it, an interview, with the lovely administrators of the blog Oh-Snap-Pro-Lifers. They are among the few of's pro-life blogs, and one of my personal favorites with their wittiness and diversity but, all stand for the same cause. That said, time to check out what these young pro-life ladies have to say about their own pro-life stance and just a few of the most controversial topics on the front today!

First, what made you decide to be pro-life?

"I’m not sure if I actually decided to be pro-life, it was more of a common sense thing to me. When I first learned about abortion I was instantly against it. I couldn't, and still can't fathom the idea that the unborn aren't deserving of the same rights that we have." -Jojo

"My decision to be pro-life was more of a process, I went slowly from pro choice/not bothered to extremely pro life in a few months. The point at which I was definitely pro-life was during one debate in a RS lesson at school. I was on the pro-life side and the more I talked about it, the more I was against it." -Gabbie

"I think as soon as I found out what abortion was, I was pro-life." -Tia

What is the hardest part of being an admin for a pro-life blog?

"I would say answering the same arguments from the opposing side. It gets tiring having to repeat yourself almost everyday." -Jojo

"The hardest part is that every one things you're a stupid arsehole. They think you're stupid and sheltered and based on one opinion, you become an arse. Even though you do a lot of charitable work in your personal life, but none of that matters because if you're pro-life you instantly become an anti-woman idiot. Despite everything good you do. That's the worst."-Gabbie 

"Other than the personal attacks, sob stories, and repetitive asks, the questions regarding legal situations and trials are always pretty tough to deal with. I know almost nothing about politics yet, people still expect me to be fluent in every single abortion law in every single country." -Tia

Do you participate in any other pro-life activities other than blogging?

"No, not at the moment." -Jojo

"Outside blogging, there isn't much for me to do that's pro-life. Except debate with friends and family about it. If there were a march for life, I'd go. If I knew of any actual clinics I may stand outside and talk to people, but I'd rather be older."- Gabbie 

"I used to do marches and protests, but not so much anymore. When I'm older, I plan on doing sidewalk counseling and working at a crisis pregnancy center." -Tia

What is your opinion on the connection between feminism and abortion?

"Feminism is the reason abortion is legal and acceptable and it’s a huge barrier preventing it from being abolished. However, those who say you can’t be pro-life and a feminist misunderstand (deliberately or legitimately) that our position is not about the rights of women, but the rights of the unborn. We want to protect the unborn’s most basic rights, not take rights away from women." -Jojo

"Apparently, being a pro-life feminist is oxymoronic, but I disagree. I think you can avidly fight for the rights of women as well as fight for fetal rights. You can be a feminist and not think abortion is a woman's right. That said, 99% of feminists disagree with that so I don't identify a feminist. I identify as egalitarian, even though a lot of egalitarians are pro-choice, I think it's a better way to tackle sexism."- Gabbie

"As a former feminist, I can tell you firsthand that feminists are very, very vehemently against the pro-life movement and are not above attacking someone for standing up for life. The 3rd wave feminist movement is obsessed with playing the victim card whenever they disagree with/are upset by something. If they would cut that nonsense out, I'm sure they would stop seeing pregnancy as some awful painstaking burden. You know, the first generation of feminists (the ones actually for equal rights) were very strongly opposed to abortion, because they didn't want the fetus to be treated as a meaningless object because that's how grown women were treated in the past." -Tia

Do you think there is any circumstance that it is acceptable to have an abortion?

"I have to say no. I know most would say it’s okay if the life of the mother were in danger, but I still don’t think it’s acceptable to deliberately take the life of the unborn. It should be the only situation in which abortion is an option, but I’d prefer everything be done to save both lives." -Jojo

"I know there are many reasons why women get abortions, and I understand that every situation is different, but I don't believe any warrant killing someone. In the case where the mother is told she will [die] without an abortion, I think it's safe to say she can have one. That said, many women are told this and choose life instead and they come out fine. So I think there have been many occasions where the fetus was aborted but it didn't have to be. - Gabbie

"No." Tia

Do you think men should have an opinion or say on abortion?

"Absolutely! You don’t need a uterus to know right from wrong!" -Jojo

"Pro-life or pro-choice, men should be allowed opinions on abortion." -Gabbie

"Of course. Saying that someone shouldn't have an opinion on something just because they won't experience it is silly. Are you a starving child from a 3rd world country? No? Then you shouldn't be allowed to think about their plight. Are you a soldier? No? Then stop talking about the war your opinion is invalid." -Tia

What do you think needs to happen before abortion becomes illegal?

"I think the attitude of “it's all about me and what I want" needs to change." -Jojo

" Before we can end abortion, we need to make it so less women want and need them. Where I live, the benefit system is a bit too giving, but perhaps in America it isn't giving enough. Free contraception is available where I live, but not really in America. We also need to reduce the negative stigma on pregnancy, single motherhood and young motherhood." -Gabbie 

"Lower student loans (most women who get abortions in the US are college aged and in countries where they have low or non-existent student loans, the abortion rate is super low) lower the cost of things like diapers, formula, baby clothes, ultrasounds, prenatal vitamins etc., teach people the value of life." -Tia

Do you believe the ultimate goal of making abortion illegal is achievable ?

"I actually don't. Maybe I’m just a pessimist? It'd be wonderful of course, but as I said previously, our attitudes have to change. I sadly don’t see that happening anytime soon." -Jojo

"I think it achievable to make abortion illegal except in the case of rape and health." -Gabbie

"Yes, anything is achievable." -Tia

How has being pro-life affected your life? 

"It’s made me want more children! Before, I strictly only wanted children of my own (biological), but now I’m interested in adoption!" -Jojo

"I think being pro-life is becoming a big part of my identity, on Tumblr and in real life. But I'm not sure it effects my personality." - Gabbie

"I think it has made me look at things differently. I pay more attention to the little things people say about topics related to abortion so i can sort of figure out whether or not they're pro-life and such. So i guess it has kinda made me more annoying, haha." -Tia

There you have it, three different women with varying opinions on various pro-life topics. Pro-life supporters are not only made up of people from one country, or people from one race, religion, gender, or social class but, of  people who value life and will do what they can to protect it.

Once again I would like to thank the ladies of Oh-Snap-Pro-Lifers for their time, effort and bravery to do what they do, both online and in their own personal lives and for participating in this interview. Feel free to check them out on Tumblr or just click this link to visit their blog. 

Thank you for reading, and I'll see you again soon!


  1. But why my uterus do to my pregnancy in my body!

  2. If the comments above are supposed to be intimidating or in some way a protest, they are not very good.
