Monday, July 8, 2013

Quickie #2!

Just to let you all know, I have my blogs very first interview coming up! All with the lovely ladies of the blog Oh-Snap-Pro-Lifers! I'm very excited to show you some responses of other pro-life supporters, in hopes to show the diversity and unity of the pro-life stance. I hope it will be posted within the next day or so, so keep in touch.
Go Pro-Life!

What Is Pro Life

Back again for another stab at education! This next posts topic is "What is Pro Life?"
I will again be using dictionary sources, and other sources that will be listed below.

The definition of Pro-Life


opposed to legalized abortion; right-to-life.

— adj
(of an organization, pressure group, etc) supporting the right to life of the unborn; against abortion,experiments on embryos, etc

I know this is a short entry but, there isn't too much to say on what pro-life is in definition. I can add, also that many pro-lifers are against other forms of ending human(sometimes animal) lives. Also, that there are many different people that are pro-life. Gay, straight, men, women, young, old, and people of all different religions are pro-life. And to explain pro-life more in depth keep in touch with my blog, I plan on interviewing pro-lifers from all over influential or not. Okay? See ya!


My Personal Stance On Popular Questions/Phrases

Please, please, please, understand, this post will be purely my personal views on popular questions and topics of abortions and the pro-life stance. I myself am not representing the general consensus of all pro-life supporters. You may disagree with some things I have to say and I assure you it is to be expected. Please, do not go debating with any other pro-life supporters using just this information or only my opinions. I will be using questions or phrases I myself have personally encountered via social network or in my everyday social encounters.

How can you value an unborn fetus above the mother?

Answer: I do not. I consider them equal. Which is why I do not condone one to be murdered. I do not put the right to choose, above the right to life, and I do not think murder should be something we have a right to choose. 

What about rape/incest? 

Answer: I understand these instances may have a harmful emotional and physical impact on the woman. But how can you judge a child for the doings of the father? They did not choose to have a rapist for a father, so I do not condone the right to choose their murder. Adoption and other services such as counseling are available for the victims of these crimes.

What if the mothers life is in danger?

Answer: I myself do not believe just because ones life may possibly be in danger that it is okay to kill another.

Why do Pro-Lifers use guilt trips to prove their point?

Answer: It would not be a guilt trip, if there were nothing to feel guilty about.

What if the child grows up in poverty/abusive home?

Answer: Everyone is so quick to throw the child into an assumed life of abuse, and poverty and every other bad situation they can think of. If only people would give the child a chance. The same words could have been used against you, but you are alive. Bad things happen everyday, to everyone, at any point in life, but why kill someone because there is a chance at hardship? You do not know the future.

What if a child is going to be disabled? 

Answer: I do not think we as human beings, have any right to judge a persons quality of life. Especially from our point of strength. In that manner of thinking we may as well murder the people who are born with disabilities. I'm sure many of you will say otherwise but think, you are killing one for having an issue, why not the others?

Even if abortion is illegal abortions will still happen and be dangerous/harmful, are you okay with that?

Answer: Drugs are illegal, yes? Yes. But if they weren't there would most likely be millions of stoned, high addicts roaming around, with a crack shop on every corner. Nothing that is illegal is ever truly stopped completely, a fact I understand. Fortunately, when a law is in place, it drastically decreases the activity that it holds illegal. So in short, having abortion be illegal, though it will not fully stop women from having them, it will decrease the rate greatly. 
As for the abortions being dangerous after they are illegal, the answer to that is simple. Short history lesson; before abortions were illegal they did not use hangers, or any other household item to shove up themselves to kill the unborn. Those stories are few and far between, but have been taken, publicized, and used as a pro abortion weapon. Not to say that some of those types of cases did not happen, but the majority of "back alley" abortions were done by physicians. So in most cases of the illegal abortions, one can only logically assume there will still be "back alley" abortionists in clinics like before, just as there are illegal drug dealers. Have I made my point?

If you don't like abortion, then don't have one. 

Answer: That is almost the same as saying "don't like rape, don't rape", "don't like murder, don't murder". I know that sounds horrible, right? To get a point across you sometimes have to say things people do not like. To save lives we have to reveal the types of things that are being said to blanket the minds of our society. And, I do understand rape is a violation of a woman, but abortion is a violation of the fetus, rape is a heinous crime, as well as abortion. Now please understand we are talking about the murder of innocent life, not the flavor pizza crust you would like. Being nonchalant about such a thing is outrageous to me, this is not a personal preference this is a matter of life and death.

What if contraceptive isn't effective and now I'm pregnant /Consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy. 

Answer: My personal belief is you shouldn't have intercourse unless you are ready emotionally, physically, and financially prepared. However, I do also understand sex is fun and you want to "do it", but along the way you have to realize there are consequences for every action. Consent to sex is indeed consent to pregnancy. You can try to hold off pregnancy but, if it happens, you performed the act used for reproduction and you reproduced. Sex is made for reproduction; humans and animals alike are aware of this. Though we are not animals, we do have a reproductive purpose and sex is the way to it. Don't have sex unless you are completely aware, willing and ready for the possibility of pregnancy.

Do you think men should have a say in a woman's decision to abort?

Answer: I one hundred percent believe a man should have just as much say in the topic abortion as woman. To clarify I do not believe the choice to have an abortion should be available to anybody, but the issue on weather or not they should have a say, I believe they should. After all it took two people to create the unborn child in the first place.

Its my body so it is my choice/I don't want a parasite inside me. 

Answer: No it is not your body. You made the choice to partake in activity that could result in pregnancy. You do not have the right to make a life or death choice to the new body inside that you created. 
How can an innocent unborn child be called a parasite? It's not some foreign microscopic bug that has entered your uterus while you were swimming in a foreign body of water, or a leech that is sucking your blood. It is a dependent child, that needs food and protection. Just like every one else on the planet.

What if I just don't want it/Its an inconvenience

Answer: Just because a child may not be what you want, or inconvenience you does not give you the right to be a murderer. A toddler can inconvenience a mother, or maybe she just doesn't want the toddler anymore, is it right for her to kill it?  Take responsibility.


There are many, many more questions I have yet to state here but, I feel as though I've said enough to give you a picture on my own personal views on abortion and the reasons people try to give to condone having them. I have also covered my responses to some of the questions I have been asked as a pro-lifer. 

Once again, please do understand that this post is of my pro-life stance. Other pro-life supporters may have slightly different thoughts than me and I am not speaking for all pro-lifers. Thank you for taking an interest in me and my pro-life education journey, and I hope you come back soon. Thank you!