Saturday, July 6, 2013

Greetings and Hello!

Welcome! I see you have found my little corner of the internet, and I'm happy you did.
I am proud to announce you are now reading my very first blog post! Please, be a Lovely and keep reading to see if you'd be interested in my content!

So, if you haven't guessed by my blog title my main topics here will be on abortion and the pro-life stance. I know this is a sensitive issue but, I'm diving in! There is so much to learn and I would really love it if you would journey along with me. I will go on facts, and my views on morality; you may have slightly different views, but that is the wonder of the world, to be different, but to also to gain knowledge.

So hello, world! Thank you for reading! Don't forget to check back in once in a while!