Wednesday, August 14, 2013


    The rate at which we kill our children is astounding. The reason you have not seen a new post from me in a while, or at least one of length, is because I had simply run out of fuel. Not to say run out of fuel in the sense of the horrible things I see and hear about each day, but of the fuel I need mentally and emotionally to deal with the society we live in that has become so desensitized to death and that has so far diminished the value of life. Day after day I see posts, or videos of women saying words like "parasite", "worthless", "I don't care", "my body, my choice"; but who can blame them? They have grown in a society so full of hatred and selfishness, that some place like a woman's womb is no longer a safe, loving environment but a place were cold metallic instruments, and vacuums invade on a daily basis. Over the past few weeks I sat reading, and watching on the verge of tears after seeing countless women devalue a life they had created. And I will tell you, I almost gave up. I almost gave up my fight but, not again. I will continue to stand for what I believe in, for the life of all humans, and all human rights. Will you?


  1. I know how you feel. I run a pro-life blog on tumblr called cultureshift ( and some of the asks I receive are stomach churning. I am so glad you did not give up. Now that you have joined the fight, you must never retreat. My mantra is unafraid - unashamed - unrelenting. If not us, then who?

    1. I follow you on Tumblr! I've seen the asks and yes they are quite disturbing at some points. I love your blog, and strong people who fight for the lives of the unborn are what inspired me to be proactive in the fight against abortion as well. I am so glad you read my blog!
